VCF (VCFv4.2) of the GWAS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ieu open GWAS project Dataset: ebi-a-GCST005647. A subset of 99 SNPs
vcf document with 528 items relating to 99 SNPs
The summary statistics VCF (VCFv4.2) file was downloaded from
and formatted to a .rda with the following:
#Get example VCF dataset, use GWAS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
ALS_GWAS_VCF <- readLines("ebi-a-GCST005647.vcf.gz")
#Subset to just the first 99 SNPs
ALSvcf <- ALS_GWAS_VCF[1:528]
A VCF file (VCFv4.2) of the GWAS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ieu open GWAS project has been subsetted here to act as an example summary statistic file in VCF format which has some issues in the formatting. MungeSumstats can correct these issues and produced a standardised summary statistics format.